Is Your Long-distance Relationship Unhealthy?

She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. I think couples who get through long distance can probably get through anything. British journalist Sarah Walton met Bryan when they were both traveling in Vietnam seven years ago. I look at her regularly and feel so grateful that we have this time.

“Long-distance is fine for a while, but you need an end goal.” That means having big conversations and having them upfront. “Don’t whittle away two years of your lives without ever asking, ‘Would you move here or would I move there? Distance doesn’t have to signal the end of a relationship. Sure, you might have to put in a bit of extra effort and get creative with how you stay in touch, but you might find that those elements just bring you closer together. In short, long-distance relationships don’t come with any preset rules and regulations.

While even the firmest relationship goals can change over time, it never hurts to have a conversation in the beginning about what you hope comes from the relationship. When this happens, communicate your concerns instead of letting worries tempt you into asking for proof of where they were or photos of them in bed each night. Of course, this goes for every kind of relationship, but it can have even more significance in a relationship where you have no way of knowing if your partner is actually doing what they say they’re doing. Like any kind of relationship, long-distance bonds aren’t a one-size-fits-all situation. It’s doubtful either of you wants to watch the other cleaning drains or scrubbing out the litter box. But try a laundry folding date or chat while cleaning out the refrigerator (they might even be able to remember what’s in that Tupperware you’re afraid to open).

Surprising Benefits Of Being In A Long-Distance Relationship

But the beauty of long-distance relationships is that you can cultivate connection that’s solely based on going deeper and deeper with your conversations. When we’re not physically together, it can actually be easier to open up, Page says. «Sometimes the gift of separateness allows us to share more deeply than we might otherwise. You can deepen the romance through your communication, share sexual fantasies, and be more vulnerable.» It may be easy to fall into a pattern of not taking care of your appearance or home because your partner isn’t around. But Gray says this is actually an excellent time to work on yourself! «Use this unique relationship phase to lean into life,» he says.

He is of the point of view that long-distance relationships can work out through zest and zeal. Through the spectrum internet, you can stay connected to transform your long-distance relationship into a healthy and happier one. A reliable connection through communication is the key to success. It can also make it harder to “practice” being together in real life, said Dr. DiDonato. For couples who are apart for long periods of time, “the challenge can often happen with reunification,” she said. Not seeing each other doesn’t just mean you miss out on magical moments, it means you miss out on the warm-up of daily life together too.

We’re also an ambitious lot, which can pose problems in relationships.

You see, periods can be a hassle and a time of discomfort for many ladies, and your partner will be happy to receive such a package. There are many ways you can twist these dates to make them more exciting. For instance, if you plan a dinner date, you can send her flowers, have her dress up, and have her favorite restaurant meal delivered to her doorstep. On your path, you should also dress up and have a nice dinner. Trust me, she will be smiling all evening, and you might just win the best boyfriend award. Your first instinct will be to keep things to yourself and shut the world out as a man.

If you feel pressure from your partner to send explicit photos or participate in filmed sex acts during chat hangouts, this is also a red flag for abuse. In healthy relationships, partners don’t pressure the other to do something that they’re not comfortable with; you always have the right to protect both your privacy and your body. Weallfeel insecure in ourselves and our relationship sometimes. Weallhave moments when we feel threatened or inadequate, when fears and worries run away on us, and we get anxious. Weallsometimes hit low points, or have bad days, and look to people we love to provide encouragement and reassurance. That is normal, and part of the give and take of loving, trusting, growing relationships.

Connecting well across different time zones

How often you should be communicating is unique to each couple. For some, it may be talking multiple times throughout the day. And for others, touching base once nightly might be enough. Nancy says it took him about three months to get used to the distance and feel confident that their marriage would stay strong. “We had to be very deliberate in making it work,” she says.

Once you’ve been together awhile, you should start having conversations about how and when you will shorten the distance — whether that’s eventually living together or moving to the same city. If your LDR is a longer-term thing, hopefully you’ve at least had some discussion about how you’ll visit each other more in the meantime. It’s normal to have a day here and there when you’re not in the mood to chat — maybe you’re exhausted, swamped with work or have other plans. But if catching up with your partner starts feeling like yet another item on your to-do list instead of a bright spot in your day, then it might indicate the LDR isn’t working anymore. We asked couples therapists to share the signs that it might be time to reevaluate your LDR. It’s also possible to date non-exclusively long-distance.

But avoiding serious discussions can eventually cause problems. In a long-distance relationship, it’s common to feel like you never get enough time to talk with your partner. If this sounds familiar, try to focus your energy on making the most out of communication.

This way, in the heart, you will know that the other person is worthy enough to fight all these challenges. The seventh stage of a long distance relationship is when you feel depressed and sad after you have just visited each other. Feelings of sadness and depression in long distance relationships can be very common. The sixth stage of a long distance relationship is to send each other presents or notes to let them know they are loved, even from a distance. Tell them about your day, tell them you love them, and trust them.

Instead of telling her everything over the phone, hint to her that you have something to say, but you will rather do it in person so you will be saving it for the next time you are together. This will make her happy to look forward to your next visit and build excitement in your relationship. Therefore, you must put preference to communicating with your partner daily when you are in a long-distance relationship. Random text messages during the day, pictures that show what you are doing, and video calls can go a long way to make your girlfriend miss you less. “If being geographically apart is inevitable, people should not despair,” Jiang says.

I’m sure you both understand that your relationship is not physical. You have to communicate and work it out if you want it to last. But if you’re willing to put in the effort a long-distance relationship requires, it can also teach you some really valuable skills and even strengthen existing relationships.