International Love: Maintaining A Long Distance Relationship

With the right commitment and communication, long-distance relationships can actually be more stable than geographically close relationships. Here is my blog on 10 tips to make your long-distance relationship work. The biggest thing I found helped me in getting through the stages where we didn’t have a plan in place for the long run, was having faith in the connection that it was strong enough to withstand the test of time. If you’re both fully committed, you’ll be able to find a way to make it work, even if that’s in two or three years time. You have to have faith that your connection is strong enough to make it in the long run. Getting creative with romantic gestures like I mentioned too, this is a good way to keep the relationship alive.

This is a classic mistake that too many binational couples make. For many people, myself included, it is difficult to imagine what you’ll be doing one, two or five years in the future. On the one hand, this is because life always reserves surprises, and the global pandemic illustrates how quickly everything changes. When you arrive on any website, it knows which country you are connecting from. That’s why sometimes YouTube indicates that the video you want to watch is not available in your country. Yet today, we are still together and happier than ever.

At the same time, one of you finishes school or completes a job assignment in a new city. LDR relationships are typically only a temporary solution since not many people desire to live their entire lives miles apart from their significant other. If you cannot find a way to be physically together at some point in the future, the relationship may not succeed. It is also important to keep in mind that there are two types of long distance relationships. Some couples may begin living in the same city or within close proximity, and then one may move away, due to a job opportunity, for example, turning the relationship into an LDR relationship. Like many people these days, he lives in one part of the country, while his sweetheart, Chandra Thomas, lives in another.

It does sound like he’s committed to the relationship though, and at least he’s making an effort to suggest other ways to be together. Plus, having a plan to meet up that often is exciting, gives you each something to look forward to in the short term, and it’s international travel which will give you both so many shared memories and experiences. I always try to remember when making a big decision like this that the only things we regret in life are the things we didn’t do.

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I alternate between overwhelming excitement and fear. Being apart really does suck, but if you keep up the communication, and maintain a determination to make it work from both sides then anything is possible, and it makes the time you do spend together even more special. Thanks for sharing the tips about how to communicate with your long distance sweetheart. I totally agree with you that we should never listen to the negative naysayer. There’s always someone who will try to say that LDR won’t work. So I really do believe that if you have found the right person you can overcome anything, including being apart and maintaining your relationship long distance.

That’s not a guarantee that your long distance love is seeing someone on the side, but it’s a possibility, so if your spidey senses tingle, be on the lookout. It’s also a great option for solitary folks who want to chat with new people on their own terms. No matter the reason, there are both perks and pitfalls to long distance dating. While it may be easier to imagine a partner cheating than ourselves, that’s not always how it goes down. That kind of tactile presence in each other’s lives can go a long way towards making you both feel more real than just texts and FaceTime calls. For Connell Barrett, a dating coach for The League and founder of, the best way to make it work is by using lots of different forms of communication.

Be prepared for lots of cute stuff

Hi Suzy, thanks for reaching out and sharing your story. Above all, you need to listen to your gut instinct. If you’re seeing red flags don’t ignore them – it sounds like you could be being played if his behavior is starting to become distant after you have asked to meet. If you don’t want to jump straight into the marriage / permanent partner visa route, perhaps you could think about work visas for nearby countries where it would be easy to visit him. I don’t know what your personal situation is in the State or how easy it would be to pick up and leave, but one option could be getting a work visa in Italy for instance , or something like that.

If you truly want something to work, and you put everything you have into it, you’ll be surprised at what you can accomplish. I wont lie – long distance for 18 months was incredibly hard, but we made it work by maintaining the following. We have a pretty incredible story – so I’m told – which included pulling off one of the greatest long distance relationships ever, being almost 15,000 kilometers apart. If you, like me, dedicate a large portion of your time to travel, and spend more time traveling than you are resident in your own country, you’re more than likely to meet someone overseas.

Being in a “Some” relationship

Committed relationships take time, and long distance relationships can free up some of that time. So go ahead and use that time and encourage your significant other to do the same. Long distance relationship communication problems can arise, because it can be difficult to read emotions and determine a person’s feelings via text. Without seeing body language face-to-face, it can also be difficult to decipher a person’s true feelings and intent over the phone or via video chat, leading to miscommunication. While this is not always feasible given individual’s work and social commitments, if at all possible, Dr. Sherman suggests planning a weeks-long vacation or visit to your significant other’s city to test the waters.

People on the outside are always jumping in to offer they’re opinions when they’ve never been in the situation and never been faced with the same. So how would they know when they’ve never gone through it themselves? So thank them for their opinion, but then throw it away. A quick google search lead me to this page and I’m so glad to have read your story. Thanks for reaching out and sharing your experience – I’m sorry to hear that your LDR didn’t work out.

Language has been a barrier but it’s getting better. We’re meeting for the first time in a couple of months when I go there to travel/hike/adventure/visit family together and to decide what to make of the relationship. We have been talking non-stop since we first met. We just started dating and my friends are all very skeptical.

Additionally, good communication is one of the major elements in making any relationship a success. Despite general belief, a long-distance relationship breaking down is no more common than that of a regular one. Long-distance relationships have a 27% chance of leading to a break-up within the first six months, while regular relationships have a 30% likelihood. Cheating comes in many forms—it’s not just sleeping with another person.