BPD Dating Someone With ADHD? : Borderline Personality Disorder Forum

Dating someone with ADHD absolutely doesn’t mean that you have to accept being yelled at or having someone throw things whenever they get angry or frustrated. They’re often really keen to do their fair share of the housework, admin, or any other tasks you might have to do as a couple. Unfortunately, they find starting tasks much easier than finishing them4. Another symptom of ADHD that can come across as a lack of care is that they might zone out during conversations3.

They might decide to do the laundry so they take the laundry basket to the machine, put a couple of items in, and then get distracted by something they found in a pocket and go to deal with that as well. When you come by a few hours later expecting the laundry to be done, most of it is still in the basket waiting to be sorted and put on. That sounds good” but they’re not actually aware of the conversation, or what they’re agreeing to.

He says the most hurtful things ever and he «acts» as if he doesn’t care about the way I feel about anything at all. Adhd doesn’t necessarily make a person angry and/or violent, but it often has friends that do. Another post I saw pointed out that if the adhd’er cannot acknowledge they need to manage their ‘condition’, then there is no further you can go.

Then one day we were hanging out and I flat out asked him if we had crushes on each other. (We had been talking and hanging out with each other for soooooo long, every week/weekend) He was charming, and sweet, and treated me like a QUEEN. I have never experienced love like this in my life. I could write about this for days but in the interest of everyone involved I’ll try to wrap it up. I can’t speak for whomever you have found that is carrying the monstrous burden of this «disorder» . Looking back over the years I really blew it with the majority of my relationships, GFs and friends included.

How to Leverage Time to Make More Time

This can mean that he’s harder to talk to becuase he sometimes wont even hear that you’ve said something, or it may leave you feeling ignored. People with ADHD have a tendency to focus on the thing that is stimulating our brains the most at any given moment. Like many people with ADHD he probably feels like he is constantly behind and letting people around him down. There is so much shame that comes with having ADHD. Try to be understanding of how that add emotional stress to the ADHD symptoms themselves. So you can start to see what it’s like living With ADHD and maybe start sorting through what is the disorder and what is a little more specific to your SO.

When I teach parents, siblings, and spouses to become less reactive, the individual with ADHD may step up the bad behavior. It seems that the they go through withdrawal as others become more tolerant. When he can no longer get the adrenaline-anger rush, he goes after it full force.

Work on communication

Once the honeymoon phase is over, the hyperfocus might fade and be replaced with lack of attention or forgetfulness. It might not be obvious that someone has https://loveconnectionreviews.com/ ADHD when you first start dating them. In fact, you might not be able to tell at all. However, two people with ADHD aren’t always a match made in heaven.

This can lead to tension and conflict in a relationship. Next time you think that they are lazy, irresponsible, disorganized, and avoiding responsibilities; try to remember how hard they have to work extra hard to achieve a simple task. For a person with ADD, their emotions are flying wild, out of proportion and cannot be contained.

I didn’t really say anything to it, just appreciated it for what it was. I was glad he said it, but not a few days from now he will go back to being afraid of the «big commitment.» And then I’m sure I’ll go through another cycle of being completely ignored for his phone or computer. I have given this much thought not only from a mothers perspective but from a love perspective. You have brought up a very good point about what would you do if that person was in a accident and left with a brain injury. One of the benchmarks we use very legitimately when considering new mates is their ability to hide their crazy.

You are doing the best you can with what you know…..same here for me…..same for your partner…..WHEN you KNOW better you DO better. What ever your decision……it is yours to make……that is not anyone else’s business to say ANYTHING about. She is free to do this anytime she feels like it and there is nothing you can do to stop her. The only power you have…or say in the matter….is convincing her otherwise so she will choose to be with you…instead of not being with you. You cannot make that choice for another person. And as far a saving someone else from you, by «letting them go or cutting them loose?» What is that saying about yourself?

Act with intention and focus, leaving any uncertain, gray areas behind. You can give her more than great experiences and memories, but a strong, steady, and loving relationship as well. Bumble is the best option for younger people who are somewhere between 20 and 30 years old and looking for a casual partner, nothing way too serious. If you are over 60, you can give it a try, but no one is able to guarantee you whether you will find the partner for yourself or not because older daters are not that numerous on the app.