Principles Of Geology

Moreover, the rate of flow will be found to increase with
the temperature of the water. I have not yet had an opportunity of making the
necessary experiments to ascertain if this explanation is correct,
but if it should prove to be so, the importance of temperature on
the rate of underground flow can hardly be over-estimated. The yield
of a well will depend, of course, not only on all these factors,
but also on the diameter of the bore, its depth into the
water-stratum, the size and number of fissures passed through, and,
last and most important of all, on the absolute height of its
outlet. The exploitation of the artesian basin of the Libyan Desert has
been in progress for hundreds and thousands of years, and it is
probable, therefore, that in the oases-depressions the general
average pressure has been very much reduced. At the present time
the water-pressures seldom exceed a very few pounds per square
inch, so that the static head, or absolute height to which the
water will rise, is seldom more than a few metres above the actual
surface of the ground.

Lagrangian observations of circulation on an embayed beach with headland rip currents

In 1897 the inhabitants numbered 7,856, and ten years later had
increased to 8,348. The 1907 census showed the male to be slightly
in excess of the female population, a result entirely owing to the
preponderance of men in the northern part of the oasis. The present
distribution of the inhabitants, according to the last census, is
shown in the table on the following page. The Kharga-Waled Hallaf road, via the Abu Sighawâl pass, is the
shortest route from the oasis to the Nile Valley, the distance
being only 160 kilometres; that to Karnak, by the Wadi Samhûd, is
somewhat longer, being approximately 174 kilometres. W. G. Browne traversed the same route nearly a hundred years
later, passing through the oasis in June, 1793.

It was flattened somewhat, and a little shaggy with grasses, so Mercer thought of it as a guy’s ass rather than the shapely curve of a woman’s. And just where it would be anatomically on a human, there was a darkened cave entrance where the two lobes of stone met and doubtless inspired Michael Dillman’s anatomical reference. Prospects didn’t improve when Sykes handed him a pair of military-grade binoculars. Ahmad kept the Mil in constant motion so they didn’t become an easy target, but Mercer had no trouble studying the ground and for five minutes he peered intently at everything but saw nothing. Booker split his attention between the panorama unfolding beneath them and a handheld GPS device that he’d programmed with their destination. Mercer had eyes only for the topography, while behind him in the cabin, Sleep, Grump, and Sneeze watched out for any movement that could betray a Taliban position.

In the six years since the oilman from Houston had acquired such a large stake in Eurodyne, Roland d’Avejan had been cordial at worst and obsequious at best to Pickford. He had no idea where he’d gotten the wherewithal just now to speak so forcefully to a man who could effectively ruin him with a single phone call. His hands were shaky, and his stomach suddenly felt like it was filled with coiling snakes. Men were dead because of a decision he had made — not as the result of a horrible accident at one of the many industrial facilities d’Avejan controlled, but because they had been murdered.

The average flow of
the thirty-one wells, the measurements being made in each case a
week or two after completion, was approximately 100 gallons a
minute, the maximum being 315 and the minimum 18 gallons per
minute. All bores have shown a marked decline in discharge for some
time after completion, when, if isolated, they have settled down to
a fairly steady flow, or at least to a flow which decreases at a
constantly diminishing rate. It appears that the want of uniformity in the quality of the
water is due to local causes, chief of which may be the relative
abundance of fissures, the purity of the sandstone, and the
presence or absence of mineralized shales. A very great drawback to the water of these upper sandstones is
its variable quality. Mr. William Garsed[9] has
calculated that this water would, if used for irrigation at the
rate of 3 gallons a minute per acre, effect an annual deposition of
over 3 tons of sulphate of potash and common salt on each acre of

In the south end of the oasis there
are passes to the north-east of Jaja, and N.N.E. of Dush. These
seven passes are the main exits from the depression on the east
side, though there are several other little-used routes, up which
lightly laden camels can be taken, for instance, near Jebel Um el
Ghennaim. The illustration showing the descent to the depression
was, in fact, taken at one of the latter. In some parts of the oases water-bearing sandstones occur at or
near the surface, and from these beds the Romans obtained
additional supplies by the excavation of underground collecting

Why anybody would attempt geoengineering at this scale was beyond his ability to comprehend, but it was a gamble of unimaginable consequences. If he was right, and didn’t find a way to stop it, the world would pine for the days when climate change promised just two or three degrees of additional heat. Mercer was a mile and a half away, pushing the little one-cylinder for everything it had, when he heard the crump of an explosion over the dragonfly whine of the Evinrude. He turned in time to see greasy smoke and torrents of fire rising from the fishing boat’s stern.

What is the best indication of relative age of a rock layer?

Ahmad threw the helo into the air and as soon as the wheels cleared the ridge, he dropped it down into the next valley, using gravity to build up speed in order to get as far away from the scene as possible. Unseen behind the curtain of destruction, the remaining natives broke ranks and fled, not knowing the helicopter had fired its one and only weapon and was now defenseless. Mercer’s lungs were on fire, and each breath brought up flecks of bloody saliva that ran unnoticed down his chin. His legs were unsteady as well, and without Book practically holding him up he would have collapsed into the dust. Book’s meaty hand was digging into Mercer’s arm, taking so much of his weight that Mercer felt like a child. Behind them the sound of autofire diminished, swallowed up by the storm.

Archaeological Dating: Stratigraphy and Seriation

Jebel Tarif appears to be very
slightly higher, while the highest peak on Jebel Têr is not much
more than 300 metres. The altitudes of these points with reference
to the village were mostly determined by Ball by trigonometric
observations with an eight-inch theodolite, and can therefore be
relied on as being accurate. These tufas are almost certainly of
Pleistocene age, though whether they date from the early or late
part of that period has not been determined. The purple or red shales generally form the rising ground
towards the escarpments, at the base of which are usually found the
phosphatic beds, with hard, pronounced bands made up of
fish-remains and phosphatic nodules. Above come the Exogyra Beds,
with thick bands of limestone almost entirely composed of large
oyster-shells. Rising up above these is the generally well-marked
cliff of grey shales, capped by a snow-white chalk of much the same
age geologically as the well-known chalk of the South of England.

Superposition of Rock Layers

He rolled over her as they landed, extending his right hand so that her body was covered by his and his pistol was aimed at the mysterious figure. Jordan was just taking in a breath to shout her angered protest at being manhandled when the hallway filled with the mechanical crash and subsonic judder of a silenced auto pistol discharging its deadly load. “I know,” he said tightly, easing off on the turn when the Yukon’s nose was pointed between the two stands of water plants. He had been so easy on the wheel that the back end didn’t so much as twitch on the grease-slick surface. The stream was about eight feet wide and would be shallow enough for the truck to remain in the clear should they crash through its crust of ice.

Harry handed Mercer a glass of water and went back behind the bar to mix a double vodka gimlet. Mercer woke Jordan and got her to sit upright so she would take the ibuprofen. He also got her to swallow two of the prescription pain tablets she’d been issued in Ohio. Her eyes, usually bright and inquisitive, were dull and listless.

The PBY flying boat was coming in low and slow, bearing down on him like a lumbering beast, so the waist gunner would have the best angle, and the longest window, to fire. He watched over his shoulder as it came closer, steeling himself to the growing roar of its engines, knowing he had one chance to get this right and a million to get it wrong. He’d forgotten that Sherman Smithson hadn’t been spared out of any sense of kindness. There was no way these people were going to leave any witness, innocent or otherwise.